
Murder on the Prairie

What do you get when you take Reyeses, Cannons, and a few good friends, a murder mystery, dinner, and Jason's birthday? A crazy fun time! Last Sunday our families along with Brian and Tracie Young gathered together to solve the mystery of Murder on the Prairie. It was a game I bought online where each person comes as a character in the story (11 suspects, 3 witnesses) and during three courses of dinner must reveal a list of clues(while in character)then attempt to predict "who dunnit" at the end. Here are a few pictures: My sister provided the prairie atmosphere. Here are the suspects and witnesses busy at work/play. This is Brian (prairie barber)and Tracie Young (victim's wife), our dear friends of many years. Longtime buddies My brother Jimmy (young farm hand in love with victim's daughter)and Abby (victim's daughter) Chris (sheriff) and Emily (Jason's sister and...prairie can-can girl) My Brother-in-law Dan (scary gunslinger who played his part too well! and my neice-his daughter- Sierra, my right hand gal)Dan was also the photographer for the evening. My parents Jim and Daryl Cannon(prairie store owners) Laurie (me) and Jason (birthday boy and farm hand). I couldn't have done this without my 13 year old neice and helper, Sierra. She helped with the cooking, serving, and even took some photos! Jason's parents and grandmother: Tom (farmer), Debbie (teacher), and Granny (can-can girl, and great sport!) Me and my sister, Karyn (indian maid)who was a huge help in decorating, setting up, and cleaning up. Isn't she gorgeous?! crazy cowboy hat cake (a whole post could be devoted to the history of this cake and how it came to be) Birthday boy blows out his candles. I won't say who the murderer was because we are thinking about hosting it again, maybe with our caregroup leaders?


Briana Almengor said...

Laurie: WOW!
IT looks like you went all out to bless your hubby. Way to go, girl! Very inspiring to any wife for sure. LOVE the cake. What a good job you did w/ it. And, all of your participants look sooo good in their get up, esp. Karyn. She makes the perfect Indian maid? Maybe princess would have been a better fit. :)
You prove once again to be my hero! :)

FishMama said...

Are y'all from Kansas???

Can't wait to read the post about "THE CAKE."

Terri said...

That looks like it was so much fun! What a wonderful idea!

Anonymous said...

Oh that looks SO FUN! And the hat turned out great afterall! ;)

Zoanna said...

Yee-haw! What a fun theme. I think Jimmy and Dan are your most authentic-looking characters. Of course Jason's grandma as a can-can girl runs a close 3rd.:) It makes me want to be a care group leader's wife again just to get invited to this blast. I mean,I AM from Kansas, so I'd be right at home on the range.

Nicole Seitler said...

Oh my goodness! How special. :) Looks like it was so much fun! Thank you for sharing all these great pictures with us.

(I think all the ladies look beautiful. And all the men are just dandy.)

Danielle said...

Yeah, can assistant Care Group leaders be invited to the murder on the prarie, pleeaasse!!!!

Sacha said...

Did Jason borrow Jimmy's shirt?!

Laurie said...

Maybe we'll run it for the blogger community as well. After all, we're all readers who enjoy a good mystery! of course, somebody would have to be Red Eye Mitchell. Hmmm, which of you is the gun-slinginest gal of the bunch?

I bought it and suppose I can use it as many times as I want. I just can't lend it out.

Sacha, it is Jimmy's shirt. He wore Ab's cowboy boots as well. (In all fairness, they were her dad's before they were hers).

Laurie said...

Their can be as many as 14 scripts.

Suzanne said...

FUN FUN!! We've all been in Charlotte at the Mid-South Women's Conference. So I didn't see this until tonight! Sounds like you have a blast!!