
Please Pray for My Mom

I want to rally as many people as possible to pray for my mom today. My parents have been anticipating a cruise for months now to celebrate their 40th anniversary. They are supposed to leave tomorrow, but may have to cancel because my mom is experiencing severe pain due to muscle spasms in her neck. She is a tough cookie, so if she says it is too bad to go, it must be really bad. She went to her doctor who immediately sent her to a physical therapist and gave her drugs. Thankfully, they have insurance on their cruise tickets so if they can't go, they will receive their money back and reschedule. But, they are both already packed and have been geared up for weeks, so can you pray with me that God will heal my Mom's neck? If you know my parents, they will glorify God in the midst of disappointment. I still hope that God will do the miraculous and heal her. It would be a fitting kick-off to the celebration of their marriage which miraculously has survived forty years in spite of an against-all-odds beginning. I'd love to tell their story sometime. But today, if you would, please pray for my mother.


Danielle said...

Our whole care group prayed for you mom last night, and she'll continue to be in my prayers today. I know how much they've been waiting for this trip! Although I know, no matter what, they're response will be grace-filled.

Zoanna said...

Will do. Who is taking care of your grandma while they're gone, or can she do fine on her own?

Briana Almengor said...

I'm praying and passing it along to pray.

Nicole Seitler said...

Sure thing! ::hugs::

Briana Almengor said...

1:42 pm on Thursday--IS she better? Praying with faith, my friend!

Sarah said...

I'll be praying. Please keep us updated.

Laurie said...

Zoanna, she's fine enough to be living in New Orleans now. She went back last month. Had she still lived here, however, Jim and Ab would have taken care of her as they live with my parents, remember?