
Great Talk from the Girls

If you haven't done it yet, please read Nicole Whitacre's post on God being our burden bearer. Here's a little sample to whet your appetite:
What is your burden today? They come in countless shapes and sizes—from clingy colds to crushing cares. But one thing’s for sure: our idols cannot bear their load. Leisure and escape don’t provide true rest. Sinful anger cannot relieve the pressure. Even friends are not strong enough to bear up under their full weight.
How often I look to leisure, escape, and anger - such futility! I am grateful for Nicole's reminder to turn the unfathomable strength and the faithfulness of our Father to bear our burdens.
“Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears us up; God is our salvation. Selah." (Psalm 68:19)


Nicole Seitler said...

Mmm. Thank you for pointing me to this post today. I've had only 6 hours of sleep after too much fellowship at Care Group. ;) This little momma likes to have 9-10.

I need the reminder...

Tara said...

ah yes this was great! printed and on my fridge already!