
Training Little Ones

Kenneth Maresco recently did a short series on training younger children called Nourish, Instruct, Discipline. The MP3 files are now available here. I am certain, based on teaching he has done in the past on the topic as well as the brief summaries given on the married life blog, that this is going to be extremely helpful to all who listen and seek to apply. And by the way, if you don't have children yet, or you have big kids - I encourage you to listen as well so that you may come alongside others who are in this season.

1 comment:

Beth Young said...

I just listened to the series (the first one w/o the Q&A at the end) while I was working and man, it was great! It is mostly put together with things that we have learned over the years, but it was also such an encouragement and such a reminding refresher. This also came at such a perfect time for us. Thank you for bringing it to our attention!