
Dippin' Dinners

Like most of my ideas for the kiddos, this is borrowed from a number of moms I know who do some variation of Dippin' Dinners. For family night sometimes we spread a picnic blanket (vinyl top) on the floor; put small bowls for the dippin' (ketchup, honey mustard, bar-b-que, and ranch dressing) in the middle of the blanket; arrange the various finger foods around the dips; give each person a paper plate, juice pouch, and napkins, napkins,& more napkins; put on a movie and voila! We have Dippin' Dinner! Our favorite menu includes the following: pizza bites, corn dog nuggets, chicken nuggets, baby carrots, cucumbers, and green peppers. I'm sure there is a healthier variation. My sister does fancier appetizers with her kids who are older. Also, if we weren't so messy, we'd play a game instead of watch a movie. At our season, we can't dip and do a game at the same time. Some time I want to do a dippin' dessert with marshmallowshmellows, and pound cake. What do you do for family night?


Beth Young said...

That sounds really fun. I really want to start doing things like that but I feel that my children are too young (3 and 1 1/2). Do you have any ideas for family night that is for the younger kiddos?

FishMama said...

We've never called it "Family Night", but I guess our little tradition is making pizza every week. I make indiv. size ones for the kids and they get to have their weekly pop with it. Then, we watch a movie.

I've been doing it for as long as I can remember. In the beginning, I let the kids put their own toppings on. But, with four of them it's too crazy.

Laurie said...

Thanks for sharing Amanda. We are enjoying the whole little league thing right now. It has been a wonderful family time for this season.