
Ho Hum Housework

Nothing stays done. Just after you finish unloading that final laundry basket of clean clothes, a pair of dirty socks mocks you in the hamper. The dishwasher that you unloaded needs to be loaded again. The diaper that you just changed is already foul. You clean up breakfast knowing that the lunch mess is around the corner. The dust you wiped off the piano yesterday is already showing its pale face. There is no paycheck. No time card. No summer vacation.  No promotions available for a job well done. If this describes you, you’re probably a homemaker like me. The challenge is, how do you stay motivated to do what keeps getting undone? There have been many times when the futility of housework made me feel like I was going crazy. God has been so gracious to change my perspective.  

Romans 12:1 has been key in helping me have a godly attitude toward housework. Paul writes, “I appeal to you, therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.” So this morning, when I get up from the computer and go to put on a load of whites, I can do it as an act of worship, and God accepts it as such. Isn’t it wonderful that God takes the mundane and adds the potential of the extraordinary? By taking the opportunity to offer myself as a living sacrifice in my home today, I am not just making meatloaf, I am worshiping God. It is profound and mysterious.

I would love to know what God uses to help keep you motivated. Post, post, post.  


Danielle said...

My mom always taught me "whatever your hand find to do, do it as unto the Lord" (forget reference) and that's always stuck with me. I always try to keep that in mind. My other motivator is I hate dirt and disorder! That gets me moving pretty fast. I have to be careful though not to make an "idol" out of having a clean, orderly house. I always want to be hospitable no matter what my house looks like, and in my pride, that can get in the way sometimes. I can become a Martha Stewart Nazi. I KNOW I'll be stretched when I have kids! (In many ways, in fact

Briana Almengor said...

You already know what an idol a clean house is for me, and even though having the boys has lowered my standard quite a bit, I will still stand back on Friday's after mopping my kitchen floor and derive this incredible sense of satisfaction and peace from looking at it. I know, I'm messed up in the head! :) It is only about 45 minutes later that the boys are eating dinner and there goes my clean floor! Nevertheless, I find myself eager for Friday's when I 'get to' mop my kitchen floor again! :)
For the rest of the world who is normal and hates housework, perhaps applying another one of my idols will help: MULTITASKING!
Try putting on worship music, calling a friend to encourage or catch up or praying while you scrub your toilets. Watching Oprah while folding laundry always helps, too. How's that for spiritual? :)

Zoanna said...

What motivates me? Sometimes it's the joy of the Lord (thinking how He's pleased when my work is done as an offering to Him and not as an area to pride myself in). But more often, let's be honest, for me, having people over is a big motivator. Sunshine and fresh air get me "pumped", too. And so does setting a timer when I'm feeling either sluggish or paralyzed by just the "too much to do" syndrome. I'll set the stove timer for 20 minutes to clean up a big breakfast mess, 7 to get dirty towels sorted/put in machine/switched over, 25 to clean the master bath, etc. I sometimes have to just add speed and self-competition. Oh, and another thing, if I start my chores with a scent I like (Ajax w/ bleach, or Mr. Clean or Windex or Lemon Pledge ) the smell makes me want to keep on shining! But there are days when no amount of sunshine, fresh scents, people coming, or scripture knowledge motivate me and I just have to get on my knees and say, "Father, help me. I don't feel like doing this again. I wish I had a maid. Please give me a new attitude that pleases You, give me joy, encourage me to pray for the people who live here or are coming over for a visit. Help me want to bless, not impress." I've seen God faithful time and again to answer that pre-cleaning prayer.

Danielle said...

Multi-tasking is one of my idols too, how I love it! Briana, you and I are two peas-in-a-pod!

Laurie said...

Excellent ideas. I can't even begin to wrap my mind around excitement over cleaning the kitchen floor, but hey, whatever floats your boat, Bri. Some idolatry is so much more condusive to being at home full time :) .