
Spurgeon on Psalm 62:11, 12

Psalms 62:11-12 (ESV) 11 Once God has spoken; twice have I heard this: that power belongs to God, 12 and that to you, O Lord, belongs steadfast love (mercy in some translations). For you will render to a man according to his work. "This looks rather like justice than mercy; but if we understand it to mean that God graciously rewards the poor, imperfect works of His people, we see in it a clear display of mercy. May it not also mean that according to the work He allots us is the strength which He renders to us? He is not a hard master, but metes out for us strength equal for our day. In either meaning we have the power and mercy blended, and have a double reason for waiting upon God." - Charles Spurgeon (Commentary on Psalms volume 1, pg. 255)


Laurie said...

Well said Beth. I hope everyone reads your comment. Have a great day!

Briana Almengor said...

I had an opportunity to apply the encouragement I received from this blog entry yesterday. I had the choice to serve someone who isn't always easy to serve or to make myself busy and excuse myself from engaging her heart. Remembering what I had read here that morning, I chose the former and God was faithful, providing mercy and power to walk out a good work He had prepared in advance for me. Thank you, Lord. And, thanks Laurie for posting it!

Zoanna said...

I can attest that today was such a day, where I needed strength equal to the work allotted for the day. I must give Him the credit for giving me three kids to help prepare our home this week for out-of-town guests. And a fourth one who comes along behind us making sure we remember that we can't do it without God's grace. (See my latest blog.)