
"Cheer"-ing You On!

I got this idea from a magazine years ago, and love it. So in keeping with my more practical posting, here it is: Get a large box of powdered laundry detergent, like Cheer, and empty it's contents (I put it in a rubbermaid and use it). You may want to stuff the empty box with newspaper for a day or two to get the strong smell out of it. Write a little card that says something like, "just CHEER-ing you on in your roles as wife and mother!" Then fill the box with goodies like your friend's favorite candy, bath stuff, a walking video, the book Stepping Heavenward, and a card with some encouragement in it, maybe gift certificate to a restaurant for her and her husband to have a date night. Give it to a friend who maybe needs a little cheering on. You can be creative with this. Maybe somebody needs cheering up because she's been sick or had something difficult happen. Fill it with a jar of soup, or other comfort food, maybe some bath stuff and a candle. You could use the detergent "GAIN" and do a little "that I might GAIN Christ" theme with books or teachings centered around Him. Maybe you could do TIDE and draw a black circle with a line through it for a graduation present or to encourage a teen. It could have a "going against the TIDE" theme and include a devotional, maybe "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" by Joshua Harris, the teaching series from Cov. Life called "In the World, But Not of the World". Be sure to include gum, candy, maybe a bracelet, etc. I think it's a fun way to encourage others. It can be elaborate or simple; expensive or inexpensive. The memorable part is the laundry detergent box and the theme you choose to go with it. Any other ideas using various laundry box themes?


Zoanna said...

Great idea. I once did something like that for a housewarming gift. I bought an array of housecleaning items and tagged a corresponding reference of scripture to each one. Trish, the recipient, had so much fun searching the Bible for how how the verse and cleaning product were connected.

PS I could use a little cheer-ing up. Hint, hint. (Just kidding. A gift card to Panera would be fine.)

Danielle said...

Wow, awesome idea. I'll have to put that idea to good use!

Briana Almengor said...

I'm not as clever, but what about using "ALL" for somebody on a diet. "I can do ALL things through Him who gives me strength" and include power bars and other yummy snacks that they're allowed to have on their diet, or if they're really not allowed any snacks(what kind of life is that anyway?) you could include.....ummm....stickers to reward themselves at the end of a good diet day or maybe some bath treats, note cards, the usual gift basket stuff I guess.

Oh, you could do "Surf", too, for little kids and include a bunch of beach toys, towel, sunscreen, etc. and take them on a trip to the pool or give it to them before a beach vacation.

Who knew there were such possibilities w/ laundry detergent?

Laurie said...

Bri, you are so clever, I love both of your ideas.

Zoanna said...

How about a shower gift for a guy?
Take an Arm & Hammer box and fill it with tools for the new groom?

Abby Cannon said...

wow! this brainstorming thing really works, huh? Good ideas!

I think that I would enjoy each of these ideas. Or you could just get like a shopping spree for me for the mall. You know, I'm flexible! ;)

Laurie said...

thanks to ALL who contributed!

Libby said...

I am using this idea to make Miguel's birthday gift. We are going to the beach for a long weekend. I thought, how great would it be to put something creative together. At Target they sell a brand of detergent called "Surf" AND it was on sale. I knew I was off to a great start! Creative AND cheap?? He'll love me! I am gathering some fun things, some needed things, and some silly things--fishing lures (he loves to fish), Hawaiian drinking glasses, Swedish fish (also another favorite), a candle shaped like a tropical shirt, and other non-beach-y items...I am more excited about giving this gift than any other I've given! Thank you Laurie for aiding me and encouraging me in my feeble creativity!

Libby said...

Just a quick update. Miguel LOVED his "surf's up!" birthday gift. He said he "loves my themed gifts." He was excited to see each aspect of the gift and especially loved the nautical candy (sweedish fish) and the fishing gloves (instead of my rags) for handling fish! Thanks again Laurie for the wonderful idea!