
My Crazy Little Bro

My brother has a warped sense of humor. He sent me this self portrait last week. Isn't he cute?! Like father, like son!


Christina said...

What fun pictures! A while ago you asked your homeschool readers to post about thier philosophy and curriculum choices. Well, I finally did. Sorry, it took me so long. I'm a slow writer I guess. Anyway, our blog is private so it's not listed on our profile page, and my husband has asked me not to keep it on any comment page for too long. So if you don't mind, I'll post it on a seperate comment for anyone who is interested then delete that comment in a few days.


Christina said...
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Anonymous said...

That is so funny, they look like aliens!

Sacha said...

Oh my!! And THAT is my boss? And the future of the church? Oh no! *laughing*

Briana Almengor said...

These are hysterical! Thanks for making me laugh today!

Beth Young said...

Jimmy is for sure a nut. He hasn't changed since he was 13.

Anonymous said...

HAHA!!! I hope I don't get nightmares tonight.