
One of Those Moms

I really wish I had been taught more about the doctrine of indwelling sin before I had kids. Perhaps an awareness of pride in my heart would have kept me from thinking the following: “I’ll never be one of those moms.” Oh how pride goes before the fall, and in my life it has looked a little like this.

  1. I became one of those moms when my toddler twins screamed bloody murder at the Target because they couldn’t have the bouncy ball they wanted.

  2. I became one of those moms when I just couldn’t keep up with the runny noses in February.

  3. I became one of those moms when my kids did eventually begin eating pop tarts for breakfast, and frozen chicken nuggets for dinner.

  4. I became one of those moms when after asking my son if he had changed his shirt today, he responded with, “no, this is only the second day I wore this one and it doesn’t have anything on it.” And I was okay with that.

  5. I became one of those moms when during my third trimester of pregnancy with Maggie I yelled to my boys, “If you make me get up off of this sofa, you are really going to be sorry!!!!” and then five minutes later, “I really mean it this time!” and then five minutes later “I am telling you boys – you are really going to regret it if you don’t obey mommy!” and then five minutes later “wait till your father gets home!”

  6. I became one of those moms when I was excited to be alone at Wal Mart on a Friday night.

  7. I became one of those moms when I owned at least seven pairs of pajama pants that aren’t worn just for pajamas.

  8. I became one of those moms when at 3pm I realized I hadn’t brushed my teeth yet.

  9. I became one of those moms when I was on a date with my husband and the “let down reflex” resulted in two wet spots in not so discreet places.

  10. I became one of those moms when I bribed my kids with lollipops every time I took them to the mall.

Are you one of those moms? If so, you’re in good company. If you aren’t one of those moms, take my advice and never look at a runny nosed, screaming toddler who has blue sticky lollipop mouth at the mall and think to yourself, “I’ll never…”


Karen Hevesy said...

I am one of those moms if considering ketchup a "vegetable" counts.

Zoanna said...

I am one of those moms who heard this in public: "What a cute little girl. Look at those long curls!"
And they were pointing to my three year old Stephen.

Briana Almengor said...

I started cracking up at #4 and never stopped! I recently sent my mom some digital photos of the boys via email. Her comment back to me was that they couldn't stop laughing at Tucker who was "eating his snot"...lovely! I didn't even bother wiping it away for a picture. :) My list is just as long if not longer and I'm only 15 months into this. All a part of forging humility into this proud girl!

Danielle said...

Thanks for a heads up! :)

Suzanne said...

1. I was at Target today with MY twin toddlers. Enough said.
2. Does dried snot on their faces count?
3. What about bagels and peanut butter for breakfast and peanut butter sandwiches for lunch.
4. Pajamas - three nights in a row...or was it four?
5. Been there and I've not had another pregnancy since the first one.
6. I love to go to Wal-mart alone!
7. I'm 6'0" tall so I have a hard time finding pj pants that are long enough. But what about that pair of yoga pants that I wear every day?? I do wash them after 2 days (at least).
8. Yep!
10. Can you say crackers and apple juice?

Kristie said...

Oh my goodness! I've done every one of those. I used to think I would never "lose it" with one of my kids in a store because only "Wal-mart moms" did that. Then it happened. I was dragging one child out of a store by his arm while holding another on my hip, saying harshly, "I am never taking you guys anywhere again!" By the way, the store we were leaving was Wal-mart.

Kristie said...

Ok, can we add another to the list: "I know he's not supposed to have it, but just give it to him so he'll stop screaming" or am I the only one who's done that one?

Nicole Seitler said...

Here's my main one:

"Gee, we don't have a TV, so I'll never be one of those moms who pops in videos all the day long."

Oh, but we do have a DVD player on the computer...
