
Parenting by Faith or by Fear?

I know most of you who read this already visit the GirlTalk blog regularly, but I want to draw attention to the following quote by Carolyn Mahaney because I thought it was soooooo helpful.
Faith toward God is the foundation of effective mothering. Did you catch that? Here it is again: Faith toward God is the foundation of effective mothering. Success as a mother doesn’t begin with hard work or sound principles or consistent discipline (as necessary as these are). It begins with God: His character, His faithfulness, His promises, His sovereignty. And as our understanding of these truths increases, so will our faith for mothering. You see, it is relatively easy to implement new practices in parenting. But if our practices (no matter how useful) aren’t motivated by faith, they will be fruitless.
So often I parent by fear rather than faith. It looks like this: Fear motivation: When I notice a sin pattern emerge in one of my children I fear that if I don't get it "under control" now they will be derailed for life. Faith motivation: When I notice a sin pattern emerge in one of my children I am in awe that God would see fit to reveal to me where He is at work in my child's life, and invite me to be an instrument of change on their behalf. Fear: I look at the world around me and fear for my boys because the society is so sexually charged; and fear for my daughter because feminism is everywhere! Faith: I look at the world around me and thank God that He has seen fit to provide outstanding teaching about lust, as well as the roles of biblical manhood and womanhood. By faith I can teach them these things and believe that they will be a light in the darkness. Fear: I panic that my sins against my children will damage them forever. Faith: I believe that God is so amazingly redemptive, that somehow He is able to use even my shortcomings in the lives of my children for His glory. Fear: I read a parenting book and think to myself, "we are all doomed because I will never be able to implement all of this stuff!" Faith: I read a parenting book and think, "yes, I am weak...but He is strong, and His power is perfected in my weakness!" God, as I parent these precious children that you have blessed me with, help me to do so by faith in You, and not by faith in my own abilities. If the success of parenting rested on me, there would be much reason to fear. However, Your character, Your promises, Your sovereignty, and Your faithfulness I have seen over and over in Your Word, in my life, and in the lives of each of my children therefore my heart is at peace and full of joyful anticipation for what You are doing and will do in my family.


Zoanna said...

Excellent reminder.

Nicole Seitler said...

Ah! I want that to be my default view too, by God's grace: faith, faith! Little by little it does seem to soak in...Praise God! :D

Briana Almengor said...

Thanks for your vulnerability, and as always being specific for how sin creeps into our thinking.
I think this would be a good exercise for me to do in regards to raising the boys as well as my relationship with Lawrence, to actually write down those passing thoughts during the day that are rooted in fear and counter them with faith filled truth.
Ask me if I've done it in a week or so. :)